Updates from BioZZZ Users

These BioZZZ users share their experience with you

A restorative night sleep is worth the investmentpuppy sleep

See what others have to say about BioZZZ.

On Mar 6, 2015, Claude Swanson Author of

Life Force” and “The Synchronized Universe

“I like the system and use it every night. It is subtle but I feel I sleep better and wake up more rested, my qualitative opinion is “I like it.” Blessings, Claude”

On Dec 11, 2015 Sarah C

 “Cancer treatments for me have made sleep difficult and Biozzz has provided great relief for sleep.  Prior to Biozzz I would wake several times a night and have trouble staying asleep despite taking pills for sleeping.  Now I sleep all the way through the night and if I do wake up I can fall back asleep.  And I don’t take sleeping pills anymore either.  I would highly recommend Biozzz and it has helped my sleep tremendously.”


On Dec 4, 2015 Barbara G

"Using the Biozzz helped me sleep better and experience less pain from my
Rheumatoid Arthritis."


On Dec 4, 2015 Mike G

"After a very rough three and a half years of chemotherapy treatment for
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, using the Biozzz allowed me to get restful sleep and energy levels I hadn't experienced since before my diagnosis."

On Sep 4, 2015, Michael P

“June 2013 I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea (my breathing would cease for perhaps 30 to 45 seconds at a time and then I would gasp for air).   I was placed on a C-PAP machine which increases air pressuring going into my lungs preventing the soft pallet from collapsing.  I began to sleep more soundly and achieve a degree of REM sleep denied me before.  While I was now getting more and better sleep and awakening more refreshed than I had known for a long time, there was still a small part of me that craved more something.  The sleep while apparently adequate simply was not refreshing.  July 22 first night using BioZZZ, July 30: Awaken refreshed feeling that I have finally slept all my sleep.  Mind is outlining tasks that need to be done and in what order they should be tackled.  Get out of bed, have breakfast then eagerly attack the day’s tasks.”