A Higher Quality of Life Starts with Education:
It is disheartening that water health is not a focus in school or with the media . It doesn’t seem to be a focus for the government. When you go on line to search, information is scattered about and it takes lots of dedication and patience to piece together everything. Why hasn’t this subject been taught? Many customers come to us exhausted and relieved to finally have some help with all the tidbits of information, extracted from endless research. You have finally shuffled through and exhaustive search to discover a new question. “What products fix the problems with my water?” That is why City Water Filter wants to help. We believe in education first and are happy to attend any water quality questions.
Water is an amazing and wonderful thing. We get thirsty. We drink a little water and done. Yes, it is that simple but also is way more. Did you know drinking a higher quality water gives you a higher quality of life. I am not talking about a bigger pay check but rather improved health. Every biological living organism requires water. WATER!!! Not chemicals hiding inside water. Water is what keeps our waste systems functioning properly. Water is needed to eliminate all the toxins from our body. We sweat, urinate, and use utilize water in waste management (poop). Stop doing just one of these things and your health is jeopardized. Constipation can kill you. Only Water can clean waste products & toxins from the body and brain. If a person does not eliminate waste products, it will result in disease (sooner or later). The body can’t store water and must have fresh supplies every day to perform.
Americans are bombarded from every directions with chemicals. They are introduced to our systems in unfathomable ways. Our bodies are highly efficient and most of this toxic crap is eliminated. The problem is this attack is unrelenting. We eat organic, whole foods, read the labels for GMO and look for the words we can’t pronounce. We purchase the special cleaning products. The list of ways people are finding to prevent exposure seems endless. Simple, clean water has been over looked!
I know what you are thinking. We have the Environmental Protection Agency to keep water safe. This is one of the primary function of this agency, Water Safety. There are a lot of good people working with the EPA wanting keep the public safe. They make recommendations to make this happen. They enforce water safety. Yes, this is true. But, have you ever worked for a corrupt boss?
EPA administrator Lisa Jackson admits that American water fails to meet public health goals, and water pollution law enforcement is unacceptably low. Just read Washington Posts article titled More than 5,300 U.S. water systems violated lead-testing rules last year.
The EPA makes recommendations to the Health Officials in Charge. The Health Officials in charge review the number of people effected by “End Stage of Toxicity” verses the monetary impact of improving. As an example, Chromium(VI). Familiar with the movie Erin Brochavich. Until 2014 the EPA had a maximum contaminate level of 50 parts-per-billion. In 1989 Hinkley, CA had reported levels of 1.19 parts-per-billion with a peak of 2 parts-per-billion. I read somewhere, there was about 630 resident of Hinkley at that time. Many were sick with cancers and some were dyeing. According to the research done by the author of “On arsenic and apple juice: Is the EPA’s drinking water limit even safe?”, the EPA goals are for “one person in 100,000 to develop cancer as a result of drinking that water daily”
With this “End Stage of Toxicity” health goal in mind the EPA research officials recommend to the Health Officials (Corrupt Bosses) in charge, 2 parts-per-billion of Chromium(VI) MCL. The Health Officials in charge weighed the health factors (Folks Dyeing) against costs of removing the Chromium(VI). On July 1st 2014, a contaminate level of 10 parts-per-billion for Chromium(VI) was put into effect. Remember people where dying of cancer with 1.19 parts per billion of Chromium(VI).
The current EPA guidelines for Arsenic violate their own memorandum by 50 times! “One out of every 2,000 of those Americans is likely to develop cancer because of the arsenic in their tap water.” To save time, I highly recommend reading the highlighted article regarding Arsenic. The author will link you directly to the EPA website, so you can read this memorandum with your own eyes.
The EPA mandates notification to the public regarding contaminant exposure in excess of the Maximum Contaminate Level but they Do Not enforce compliance.
“There remain hundreds of chemical contaminants for which no standards have been established.” According to the Environmental Work Group. They conducted nearly 20 million drinking water tests by water suppliers nationwide between 2004 and 2009.
“Nearly two-thirds of the 315 chemicals found in the nation’s drinking water over that five year period, a total of 201 are unregulated. Public health officials have not set safety standards for them – and they are fully aware how negatively these contaminants affect a human’s health. And, millions ingest them in their tap water every day!”
Despite the potential health risks, there is no legal limit on these chemicals — no matter how high the concentrations in drinking water. “Among the unregulated contaminants detected in water supplies, 168 have been linked to cancer, 54 to reproductive toxicity, 67 to developmental toxicity, and 35 to immune system damage.” This is according to Environmental Work Group analysis of chemical contaminant toxicity data provided by more than 50 standard government and industry toxicity references and the open scientific literature
As a society we need to demand more from our Officials in charge and hold them accountable. Join organization that are proactive in these types of efforts. Speak out, educate ourselves, friends & neighbors.
It is a small step is to filter your own water at home. This is a big, over looked issue and for many just reaching out to your own network and protecting those closest to you is enough.
Every step no matter how big, or small is equally important.
Our bodies each carry a chronic toxic load that can be relieved. Clean, healthy water will allow your body to run more efficiently. Better than medicine. The body will eliminated the waste products even with contaminated water but it takes a toll on overall health. The healthy clean water will have a slight alkalinity and a negative charge. This type of water is detoxify for you cells. Which in turn improves your quality of life.
There is a bigger picture here, also read Erin Brockovich’s Article