Concerns Customers Usually Have
What is the difference between a Water Softener and a Water Conditioner?
With a Traditional Water Softener, hardness minerals (Calcium and Magnesium) are actually removed from the water through a process called ion exchange. However, with the Salt-Free Conditioner system the minerals are retained in the water, but their form is changed so they will not adhere to surfaces. Then City Water Filter adds a sediment filter to catch the crystallized calcium and magnesium.
What is wrong with drinking bottled water?
For those of you that still drink from plastic water bottles, this is the worst source of all for getting your drinking water. When you drink from plastic water bottles, you are actually drinking plastic. Have you ever been told that you cannot leave your plastic bottles in the sun or let them get hot? The reason is that the plastic will melt into the water. Plastic comes from petroleum, and petroleum causes cancer. The baby boom generation is looking at each other wondering why half of everyone they know has cancer. One of the potential reasons for the epidemic cancer is THEY HAVE BEEN DRINKING TOO WAY MUCH PLASTIC SINCE THE LATE 1980s!!!
You could say that our company is on a crusade to get people to save money and stop drinking toxic bottled water. Even the water that is delivered to you in 5-gallon jugs will have the same problem with plastic though to a lesser extent than with the soft clear plastic bottles. Most bottled water is nothing more than tap water that is run through reverse osmosis or even just plain tap water. So why wouldn’t you want to have your own minature reverse osmosis system and bypass the whole bottled water middle-man? A reverse osmosis filter in your kitchen can be healthier and a greener alternative to filling landfills with plastic bottles. Plus, bottled water companies set up shop in areas that may have a pristine water source and exhaust the local water supplies (i.e. Nestle).
Also, studies have indicated that many consumers are being ripped off due to the expenses of bottled water and in some cases they may end up drinking water that is dirtier then they can get from their taps. In fact 40% of bottled water is plain tap water.
- What is PET? link to: Facts on PET
Why does City Water Filter recommend Fluoride Removal?
- Fluoride is unquestionably toxic at certain concentrations. Fluoride effects many tissues in the body beside the teeth. There is no discernible difference in tooth decay between developed countries that fluoridate their water and those that do not, according to the World Health Organization.
- Lower IQs in children: One study published in the fall of 2012 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives found a link between high fluoride levels found naturally in drinking water in China and elsewhere in the world, and lower IQs in children. The paper looked at the results of 27 different studies, 26 of which found a link between high-fluoride drinking water and lower IQ.
- Fluoride is an endocrine disruptor that can affect your bones, brain, thyroid gland, pineal gland and even your blood sugar levels.
There have been over 34 human studies and 100 animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage, including lower IQ in children, and studies have shown that fluoride toxicity can lead to a wide variety of health problems, including: Thyroid dysfunction, Endocrine dysfunction, Arthritis, Bone Disease, ADHD, Cancer, Dementia, Muscle disorders, Damaged sperm and increased infertility, Genetic damage and cell death …. and SO MANY MORE. - Most fluoride that is added to municipal water is an unnatural form of fluoride that contains sodium. It is over 80 times more toxic than naturally-occurring calcium fluoride.
- Fluoride Supplements Have Never Been Approved by the FDA!
- CDC and ADA Now Advise to Avoid Using Fluoride
Isn’t drinking some Fluoride good for you?
- Short answer, NO! Fluoride is right below Chlorine on the periodic table (element/chemical chart). Meaning they have very similar properties. Ask yourself, Isn’t a little chlorine good for you?
What are Chloramines and Why be concerned?
- Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammonia used to disinfect water supplies (like the Hetch Hetchy system.) Water utilities often refer to chloramine as monochloramine.
- Chloramine is a less effective disinfectant than chlorine. The World Health Organization (WHO, PDF 145 KB) says that “monochloramine is about 2,000 and 100,000 times less effective than free chlorine for the inactivation of E. Coli and rotaviruses, respectively.”Chloramine does not dissipate easily compared to chlorine.
- Chloramine stays in the water distribution system longer than chlorine.
- Chloramine is difficult to remove.
- Chloramine cannot be removed by boiling, distilling, or by standing uncovered.
- Some disinfection byproducts of chloramine are even more toxic than those of chlorine, i.e. iodoacids.
- Chloramine vapors and its disinfection byproducts can accumulate in indoor air and concentrate in an enclosed area such as a shower stall, small bathroom, kitchen, or apartment (see Toxic Showers and Baths )
- to Learn more: Chloramine Facts
What does a Whole House Carbon Filter remove?
- A Whole House Filter filter can be designed to remove dirt, pathogens and bacteria, chlorine, chloramines, toxic chlorine byproducts, fluoride, hard water scale, sulfur-smell, pesticides and other cancer causing chemicals.
How often do I have to change my water filter?
It is recommended that the filters be changed on an annual basis . The carbon water filter also absorbs bacteria and chemicals from the water in addition to debris, but when the filter gets clogged, its purifying and cleaning properties will decrease. These sediments that gather in your water filter contain bacteria and other dangerous substances and if you do not change it when recommended, you will end up with all these substances and debris in your water. The membrane may also require replacement less often (usually last about 5 years).
How do I know if my water needs to be filtered?
If your water contains contaminants – heavy metals, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals, minerals, parasites or bacteria – you should consider installing a filtration system. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulates the community water systems that supply drinking water to most Americans. Every water utility system is required to publish a yearly “consumer confidence report” detailing contaminants or violations of water quality standards. You can see the report for your water system by contacting the system directly. To find your water utility system, visit EPA’s water systems directory. If the problem is corroded pipes in your home, consider replacing them.
- A report conducted by the New York Times revealed that one in ten Americans have been exposed to drinking water that contains dangerous chemicals, including carcinogens in the tap water of major American cities and unsafe chemicals in drinking water wells in more rural areas. The primary reason, according to the report: the laws intended to protect our water supplies, the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act, are not being enforced. In fact, researchers found, barely 3 percent of violations resulted in fines or other significant penalties by state officials responsible for enforcing the law.
Why is it Not Healthy to drink traditional Reverse Osmosis water?
- The traditional Reverse Osmosis system was the best treatment to purify water. They efficiently remove pollutants and salts. Reverse osmosis is most commonly known for its use in drinking purified sea water, removing the salt and other materials from the water molecules. Not only does it remove impurities and toxins, it improves taste, odor and appearance of water. However, water exiting the RO system is sterile and acidic because carbon dioxide can cross the membrane acidifying the purified water. It is NOT ideal for us to drink this water on a continuous basis.
- With the 6 Stage Reverse Osmosis system, the additional Anti-oxidant Alkaline Filter returns the calcium/magnesium, raises the pH to alkaline (like the human body), and assists to neutralize free radicals into the water. The Pi Minerals will increases water absorption and natural healing ability. The Tourmaline reduces water molecular cluster size and emits infrared rays which have healing properties. The filter turns your existing reverse osmosis or carbon filtration system water into HEALTH GIVING water by changing the properties of filtered water into ionized mineral rich health promoting water which has alkaline and has antioxidant properties.
I have Brita filter in my refrigerator, isn’t that enough?
Typically many concerned about drinking city tap water will rely on (1) bottled water (2) refrigerator filters, (3) filling water jugs, or (4) delivered water. If you are already filtering tap water, then you are on the right track with your Brita or refrigerator filter. The only problem with Brita and refrigerator filters is that they are selective about which chemicals are removed and absolutely do not remove metals like arsenic or fluoride. Most people use refrigerator filters or other type of PUR/Brita point-of-source type water filters but unfortunately these type of filters merely improve taste and odor. A reverse osmosis filter is a membrane filter which removes 95-98% of EVERYTHING. The membrane only allows pure water to get through the tiny holes that can even reject salt. Salt is the smallest particle dissolved in water. In fact, Reverse Osmosis filters are the same filters that are used to make ocean water into drinking water! Even if your water was radioactive, you could drink it after it goes through reverse osmosis!! Doctors recommend that their cancer patients drink reverse osmosis water because it helps to remove toxins from your body. Many athletes including Olympic athletes choose reverse osmosis water. If you get your water at the WaterMill or the Water Stores, then it is likely you are drinking pure reverse osmosis water that lacks minerals and is acidic. CITY WATER FILTER installs the BIOCERA alkaline filters on their reverse osmosis systems which is our standard. BIOCERA is considered the best alkaline filter on the market. They actually function like a water ionizer but without the expensive machine to do the work. Go to http://www.biocera.com/customer-support/faq.html to learn more.
What is a CCR?
- The Consumer Confidence Report, or CCR, is an annual water quality report that a community water system is required to provide to its customers. The CCR helps people make informed choices about the water they drink. They let people know what contaminants if any, are in their drinking water, and how these contaminants may affect their health. CCRs also give the system a chance to tell customers what it takes to deliver safe drinking water. PLEASE see the link to your area’s Consumer Confidence Report, located on the areas served page.
- Does the annual water quality report indicate there is something wrong with the water, or that it’s unsafe?
- The CCR is a general overall overview of the water quality delivered by your community water system. This report lists the regulated contaminants the CWS detected in the treated water and the level at which they were found for the preceding calendar year.
Can I save energy with your water treatment solution?
Hard water creates a buildup of mineral inside your pipes and water appliances reducing efficiency of your water heater. This means more energy is used to heat water which will increase energy expenses. A water softener can eliminate this issue.
What type of warranty comes with this product?
- All products have a 5 year warranty for any defective Equipment with Labor. This warranty is also provided on each purchase agreement.
What is Antioxidant Water?
- Antioxidant water is alkaline (ionized) water with a negative charge. Alkalizing increases the body’s natural defenses and strengthens immunity. However, this negative charge is the more important benefit of ionized water (not it’s higher pH), because of the negative Oxidation Reduction Potential. Which means that it supplies the water with an abundant amount of hydrogen, rejuvenating our bodies. This acts as an antioxidant inside the body, this is what allows the water to reduce free radicals.
- Antioxidant Water will taste wetter, because the molecular structure is smaller than that of regular tap water. This provides more hydration and better detoxification. The alkaline ion water balances and maintains our proper body pH level (6.9-7.2) which creates an environment essential to deterring bacteria, inflammation and disease. It contains ions, with a different boiling point, viscosity, surface tension, and can enter our body cells three times faster than ordinary tap water.
- Free radicals are unstable oxygen atoms that cause oxidation in our bodies, which brings about aging and disease. Oxidation is what turns an banana brown after it is peeled or causes metal to rust. The process of oxidation “steals” electrons from the surface being oxidized. Antioxidants work by significantly slowing or preventing oxidation. Drinking Antioxidant water assists in cleaning free radicals from the body and improving health in numerous ways.
Can I get Water Quality Analysis?
- Your municipality, county or state health department may offer free or low-cost testing services; otherwise, you can use a laboratory certified in your state. The E.P.A. has a list of certified labs. For further information on well water quality, the E.P.A. suggests consulting nonprofit groups like the American Ground Water Trust.
What are the benefits of water softener?
A water softener is a unit that is used to soften water by removing the minerals (Calcium and Magnesium) that cause the water to be hard in exchange for salt. Hard water is known to clogged pipes, leave behind water spots, and soap and detergent are less effective, . It creates a scale buildup inside your pipes and water appliances reducing efficiency of your water heater. This means more energy is used to heat water which will increase energy expenses. Skin washed in hard water is typically reported as feeling dry, ashy, and scratchy. Hair is reported as being dull-looking and sticky when washed in hard water.
What secondary effects might this water treatment unit have on my water quality and health?
- It not recommended to drink softened water or water landscaping with softened water because of the sodium levels in the water. The salts may accumulate in the soil killing plant life. A reverse osmosis system needs to be installed to remove the salt at your kitchen sink. Sometimes on older homes, plumbing needs to be bypassed in order to not irrigate with softened water.
- Sometimes water coming out of my tap is brown or has sediments in it. Why? This is caused by sediment in the water mains that is disturbed by fire hydrant use or water main line flushing. Illegal use of fire hydrants can cause severe damage because the inexperienced user opens or closes the valve too fast. This can cause a water hammer which, at the very least, can cause colored water. A water hammer has been known to blow fire hydrants out of the street
What can cause the tap water to be cloudy or milky?
Cloudy water commonly is caused by air in the water. If the cloudiness does not dissipate when the water is allowed to stand for a few minutes, the cloudiness may be due to some other cause.
What is water hardness?
Water hardness represents total concentration of calcium and magnesium ions, reported as calcium carbonate. Groundwater sources contain calcium and magnesium hardness. The minerals in the water leave a conspicuous white residue or spots when water is boiled or evaporates. This residue is primarily calcium and is not harmful.
Water Hardness Scale
Grains Per Gallon
Parts Per Million (ppm)
less than 1.0
less than 17.1
1.0 – 3.5
17.1 – 60
Slightly Hard
3.5 – 7.0
60 – 120
Moderately Hard
7.0 – 10.5
120 – 180
over 10.5
over 180
Very Hard
My tap water sometimes has an odd taste and odor. Why?
Usually taste or odors are caused by on-site effects at the home or business. Water heaters can impart odd odors, and if a garden hose is attached and pressurized, it can cause odors at the tap. If your home is on a cul-de-sac or dead-end street, sometimes the water main does not circulate and can cause odors. Aesthetic characteristics generally do not pose a public health threat.
- What is wrong if I smell a rotten egg odor when I run water in the house? The smell of rotten eggs indicates the presence of hydrogen sulfide. The odor originates as sewer gas being displaced from the drain when the tap is run. A simple test is to fill a glass of water, take it to a room that has no water, and then sniff the water. If the water no longer has an odor, the drain is the source. A remedy for cleaning the drain is to pour one-quarter cup baking soda down the drain and follow it with a cup of vinegar. When the mixture fizzing stops, flush the drain with boiling water.
What can cause tap water to smell like bleach?
Chlorine used for disinfection of drinking water may produce a bleach odor in the tap water.
What Different Colors Say About Your Water?
Yellow, Red, or Orange Water -is Rust in the water. The variation in color depends on the oxidation of the rust. The rusty water can come from either the city’s water main or the pipes in your house and usually not a health concern.
When the discolor presents at all the faucets, when using cold water, or if the color change is sudden the problem is likely from outside coming into the home. The problem might resolve on its own with the annual flush of the City water main. Unfortunately, this would not likely resolve problem in low flow areas.
- The problem is probably your house pipes when the discoloration is at just one faucet, or in the hot water, if it clears in a few minutes. A plumber can recommend when to replace pipes
- Green-Blue Water- is an issue with copper plumbing or brass fittings. Fix the problem immediately because it can cause health problems. Large amounts of copper in the water can cause gastrointestinal, kidney, and/or liver issues.
- Green Water -then algae is growing in your water supply.
- Black water- could be a mold issue
- Pink water- a harmless organism is growing in your water.
- Blue water- disinfectant has sprung a leak and is mixing into your water supply. Call a plumber to fix the leak